Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Cfs illness

Chronic fatigue syndrome ( CFS ) is a long-term illness with a wide range of symptoms. The most common symptom is extreme tiredness. CFS is also known as ME, which stands for myalgic encephalomyelitis.

But the causes of the illness are still a mystery. Possible culprits include a faulty immune system.

For this reason, some have posited that the two are part of the same somatic syndrome—examples of symptom amplification. This hypothesis would suggest that few differences exist. This report lists the major symptoms of SEID and recommends a diagnostic process.

Further research is needed to confirm what causes chronic fatigue syndrome. New evidence shows that there might be various factors involved and that there may be a number of different types of the illness. Most people will also have one or more other symptoms such as muscular pains, joint pains, disturbed sleep patterns, poor concentration or headaches.

The War Related Illness and Injury Study Center provides education to Veterans who have deployment related health conditions. People with chronic fatigue syndrome often have trouble explaining why they feel exhausted and in pain.

Much like a mental illness , many people suffering from the illness have had their symptoms. It can occur at any age and can affect children as well as adults. While chronic fatigue syndrome has no known cause and is. For years, many professionals within the medical community did not recognize CFS as a true condition, nor was there agreement on its prevalence. Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and chronic fatigue syndrome ( CFS ) are serious, debilitating conditions that impose a burden of illness on millions of people in the United States and around the world.

Somewhere between 830and 2. When describing a case of chronic fatigue syndrome ( CFS ), one needs look no further than Sue Jackson. First videos released Sept. More recent efforts to develop diagnostic criteria for this condition(s) have used the.

CFS is a complex illness which appears to be caused by a breakdown in the systems which are at the boundary of the mind and body — the HPA axis in particular. As such it is wrong to pigeon-hole the illness as either psychiatric or physical, as it does not fit into either category in the traditional sense. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Redefining an Illness Between 830and 2. CFS - A Devastating Illness by Dr.

Kathleen Maros, an Adelaide GP, the syndrome is real and can be devastating. This “invisible” illness costs the U. While there is currently no targeted FDA-approved treatment for the disease, there are a number of medications and strategies that may help reduce your symptoms. Symptoms vary from person to person, and the severity of symptoms can vary from day to day, or even within a day.

That is understandable because there are no diagnostic tests or proven treatments. Some physicians even insist that the illness has no biological basis. The Critical Illness Series On Health Rising. Acceptance of illness is necessary for adaptation. Because of this and because of a natural inclination to keep busy - I know that many of you will relate!

This disease is characterized by profound fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, sleep abnormalities, autonomic manifestations, pain, and other symptoms that are made.

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