Tuesday 6 February 2018

Another way to say it was a pleasure meeting you

But it’s also enough of a cliché that you may want to change up this stock phrase, especially when the stakes are higher. On a related note, bear in mind that Nice meeting you , despite its similarity to Nice to meet you , is more commonly said at the end of a first meeting , rather than the beginning. I’ve heard great things about you. It’s great connecting with you.

Reword any phrase, rephrase any sentences, rewrite any expression. What about: I thoroughly enjoyed meeting you today and hearing the great insight you provided ?

It was a pleasure meeting you and Jane. Sorry I cant think of anything better also. Course, there is nothing wrong either with it was a pleasure speaking with you today. First I thank the person who introduced me and I say something nice about them, example: quot;Thank you Jennifer for introducing John, you always introduced me to am. Graceful, coordinated and a pleasure to watch.

My pleasure, you need anything else? Nothing gives me greater pleasure than to take my friends out rowing when they visit me. Well, I think the appropriate phrase to use in this context is.

Pleased to know you , nice to meet you.

Synonyms for pleasure at Thesaurus. Find descriptive alternatives for pleasure. As for whether you should use to meet or meeting , it makes no difference. It is fun chatting with you ! These words appear in re and are graded with stars. English use just 5words in speech and writing.

One-star words are frequent, two-star words are more frequent, and three-star words are the most frequent. The thesaurus of synonyms and related words is fully. Change your default dictionary to American English.

Another informal way to say “ You ’re Welcome” in French is. We all know that it’s polite to say “Thank you ” to someone after they’ve done something nice or helpful. But did you know that “ You ’re welcome” isn’t the only way to respond when someone thanks.

Its more professional in letter form to say it was a pleasure to have met you last saturday if its past tense and when you say it to someone in person its more professional to say it was a pleasure meeting you if its at the end of your meet. But is it appropriate to say The pleasure is mine as a response to Thank you (very much)? Today, I am here with the list of commonly different ways to say ‘nice to meet you.

Whether you meet people socially or for work, meeting new people for the first time, then it’s quite important to express the positivity and pleasure within you. Sometimes it’s just not enough to tell someone they are great. Here’s the next in my Ways to Say series.

Or maybe you are a writing teacher and need another way to say “good job! I’m hoping this list will help: 1Ways to Say Great! For example if you have a common acquaintance online who asks if you know each other.

It can help you feel gratitude, share joy and kindness with others, and make other people smile and feel happy.

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